Amethyst Metaphysical Properties And Healing
Amethyst a pale purple to deep saturated purple variety of quartz was once a very rare gem. And like most rare gemstones it was affordable only to the royals and wealthy, this was until the large deposits of amethyst in Brazil were discovered. Talking about the properties and beliefs related to amethyst, the name assigned to the stone itself was born out of an interesting belief. The Latin word 'amethystus' and the Greek word 'amethustos' have a similar meaning and that is 'not drunken'. Amethyst was believed to prevent a person from getting intoxicated, this started the practice of carving artistic and fancy drinking mugs from large amethyst crystals. No one knows just how effective amethyst was in doing this but, the theory said that you could drink (alcohol) as much as you wanted, from an amethyst mug and not get intoxicated.
In the middle ages, bishops wore amethyst for it's special properties. Starting from the 16th century, each pope is given an amethyst ring during his investiture. The ring is destroyed when the pontiff dies, and his successor gets a new one. It is very likely that many of the healing and other metaphysical properties of amethyst were initiated due to the fact that, amethyst was given a prominent place in the bible. Amethyst is the third stone in the third row of the High Priests breastplate. This purple quartz also happens to be listed in the list of 12 stones, assigned in the foundation of New Jerusalem. There has been considerable confusion throughout history regarding, various stones listed in the foundation of New Jerusalem but, amethyst happens to be one of the very few stones on which most historians agree. You might be aware that the reference to the red stone 'carbuncle' in the bible, referred to both ruby and red garnet, no such confusion exists as far as amethyst is concerned.
Amethyst was also believed to have the property of inducing pleasant dreams. This was quite clearly stated by the name given to the gemstone in Hebrew which is ahlamah meaning, 'dream stone'. Protection is prominently listed as one of the metaphysical properties of amethyst, this belief was most likely derived from a mythological story that attempts to explain, how a piece of white quartz was turned into a purple color. Crystal healing relies a lot on amethyst, it is supposed to have a special property that enables it to cleanse all varieties of crystals. The stone is also used to transform body energy to a spiritual level.
Often referred to as the gemstone for change, amethyst is a general healer and a reliable spiritual tool. By helping a person stay calm and take logical decisions, amethyst is believed to bring wisdom and success. Some people mark bringing good luck as one of the benefits of wearing an amethyst gem. This is quite interesting because, there are a decent collection of gems that are believed to bring good luck.
The Hindu belief of the 7 chakras in the body and the Chinese feng shui principles, also respect the metaphysical properties of amethyst stones. You might be surprised to know that the 7 chakra and Feng Shui practices have today spread far beyond the boundaries of India and China. People across the world have studied and interpreted the two practices according to their school of thought. Placed on the third eye chakra, amethyst is empowered to lift the human mind to the next level - the sixth sense and telepathy energy become practical and possible. Some crystal believers claim that the third eye chakra benefits tremendously from the presence of amethyst, the person acquires some degree of psychic powers.
Feng Shui defines the benefit of crystals based on their type and in, which direction they are placed. Amethyst is the main gemstone for the Southeast direction. Placed in the center amethyst has a different property and brings different benefits, it provides mental balance and spiritual growth. If you are looking to derive the benefits of amethyst related to wisdom, place an amethyst crystal or stone in the Northeast direction. Amethyst is often referred to as the 'stone of change' because it is capable of bringing in beneficial change no matter where it is placed.
When talking about amethyst properties and benefits, let's not forget the tradition of birthstones. Most historians agree that, the tradition of birthstones is linked to the 12 stones in the breastplate of the High Priest Aaron, details on how the transformation actually took place might reveal difference of opinions. The linking of the stones to the 12 months or the 12 zodiac signs, was done a bit differently in early times. There are reasons to believe that, the practice at first was a for a person to possess all 12 stones, the stone that represented the month was then worn on that specific month. The thought was that, all the 12 stones could be helpful to everyone but, each stone released it's best powers and energy in a specific month. Changes were then implemented and it became the practice for each person to wear just one birthstone, this stone was defined by the month in which he or she was born. Amethyst is most effective for those born in the month of February, this is why you see the gem listed as the February birthstone.
Claddagh365: As the leading online provider of fine custom jewelry, we craft all jewelry in gold and sterling silver. Our strong gem procurement skills allow us to support all gem requirements, we therefore place no limit on the gemstone that you can choose for your jewelry. Since we can work with your designs or ours, we welcome your design images and sketches to be custom made. Please communicate with our support experts at for any requirements or questions related to gems and jewelry. We will be glad to help you with information and advice without, pressurizing you into placing an order with us.
The information provided in this report is only a narration of traditions, beliefs and folklore. The special properties and benefits assigned to various gems and crystals remain untested by the scientific community. Regarding crystal therapy and the gemstone healing, we would strongly recommend that you rely on no one else but your medical adviser for guidance and treatment.
The claddagh ring is a historic jewel made around four centuries ago by an Irish slave. The ring aims to showcase the true elements of love through the features of the jewel. The heart, crown and hands denote love, loyalty and togetherness (friendship). While amethyst has been known for thousands of years, claddagh is surely one of the first jewels to have earned respect across the globe. We provide more details of the CR-013 cladagh amethyst ring and also explain the meaning and significance of the claddagh ring here.