Brown Rice Is Healthy
Scientists now know that whole grains are packed with nutrients, brown rice is classified as a whole grain. So what is the meaning of brown rice, is the grain really whole. If you have ever seen a rice plant, you would notice the grains on the stock. The grains are initially green and gradually dry and turn brownish in color. Interestingly the dried rice seeds as seen on the plant, are not the brown rice that we are talking about. The outermost layer of the rice seed is thick, stick and inedible - it is referred to as the hull. This outer layer is stripped off the seed, this is true for all types of rice that is cooked and eaten.
Once the hull layer is removed from the rice seed, the rice is still not white. Under the hull layer is a thin sheet that is tightly stuck to the seed, this is referred to as the bran layer. Rice with the bran layer stuck to the seeds is referred to as brown rice. Most of us are familiar with white rice, to make this type of rice, it is necessary for the bran layer to be taken off the rice seed. To put it technically, brown rice which has the bran layer needs to be polished to make it white. It would therefore be right to say that, brown rice is unpolished rice.
Brown Rice Health Benefits:
- Improves health of the heart.
- Helps digestion, relieves constipation.
- Suited for gluten free eaters.
- Raises energy levels.
- Regulates cholesterol levels.
- May reduce risk of some cancers.
- Regulates blood sugar levels.
- Has anti-inflammatory properties.
- Helps weight management.
Brown rice has significant amounts of magnesium, this is the element required to regulate blood pressure and sodium levels. Post menopausal women are likely to have reduced risks of cardiovascular diseases if they eat brown rice regularly. Phytonutrient plant lignans are known to protect against many heart disorders, brown rice has a good share of these lignans.
At a very basic level, the fiber in brown rice, improves digestion and relieve constipation. The health benefits related to digestion that brown rice delivers, are a lot more impressive. The manganese present in brown rice helps digest fats, we know that undigested fats are unhealthy. Natural brown rice is gluten-free, this makes it suitable for people looking to eat a gluten free diet.
White (polished) rice loses almost its entire protein content and more than a dozen other nutrients when the bran layer is taken off. Whole grains like brown rice retain a significant amount of essential nutrients, this makes them a good source of energy.
There is some indication that the oil present in the bran layer of brown rice, helps in the lowering of bad (LDL) cholesterol levels. Fiber that is present in brown rice also helps keep the digestive system working efficiently. Good digestion requires the liver to produce more bile, the liver in turns pulls cholesterol in the bloodstream to make bile. This has a positive impact on LDL (bad) cholesterol levels.
When you talk about the health benefits of brown rice related to cancer, keep in mind that this research is an ongoing process. Cancer patients should rely on professional advice for their treatment options, no change in medications and dosages should be made without consulting a medical adviser. Eating brown rice regularly is believed to reduce the chances of getting some types of cancer. Initial findings seem to suggest that the consumption of brown rice reduces, the chances of getting prostrate and colon cancer. Manganese which is an element in brown rice, is likely to protect against free-radicals. One of the well known causes of cancer is the presence of free-radicals.
Doctors often advice diabetics to include brown rice in their diet, this suggestion is based on some reliable research projects. To begin with, brown rise helps regulate sugar levels in the blood. White rice on the other hand, causes sharp spikes and falls in sugar levels. Eating whole grains like brown rice is also known to lower the risk of metabolic syndrome. With this comes a reduction in the risk of getting various cardio related disorders.
A number of medical conditions result in internal inflammation arthritis and even cancer are some of these. The ingredients in brown unpolished rice are known to reduce internal inflammation. In severe cases patients might still need to use conventional pain killers, but eating whole grains including brown rice can help relieve some of the pain. In the long term this could mean a reduction in the dosage of prescribed pain killers. This is specifically useful for patients who have chronic pain and inflammation, consistent use of pain killing drugs bring significant health problems.
Eating brown rice keeps you feeling full for a longer time. We also mentioned that, unpolished rice helps in overall digestion. Ingredients in brown rice help in the digestion of fat, this reduces the chances of becoming obese. For those of you who are serious about weight control, include brown rice in your food plan.
Now that you are more aware about the health benefits of eating brown rice, make a move to improve your dietary habits. The benefits will be visible and long lasting, take it step by step and make changes as you feel comfortable. And don't forget that staying healthy requires a combination of efforts - food, exercise, stress control and an active lifestyle are absolutely essential.