The Gemstone - Cladagh Turquoise Ring
In this report we will be talking more about the turquoise gem in the cladagh ring rather than, the cladagh ring itself. You can refer to the CR-021 Cladagh Turquoise Report, if you wish to learn more about the ring. Through the contents of this report we wish to give you a better understanding of the gemstone in your turquoise ring. We strongly believe that knowing the properties of a gemstone helps, take better care of the stone. And when this happens, you get better and longer satisfaction from owning and wearing the gem. In the early days Europe was introduced to turquoise by the merchants from Turkey. Many people at the time were not aware that, the stone was actually brought from Persia and was not mined in Turkey. The French were so convinced that this was a gem from Turkey that, they named it after the French word for Turkish which is 'turqueise'. Turquoise is generally found in very arid and semi-arid areas. This gemstone and copper are quite often mined in the same area. The month of December boasts of 3 blue gems as it's birthstones and turquoise is one of them. You might be aware that tanzanite and blue zircon, are the other gems listed as December birthstones. The color of turquoie can range from a light blue to a more saturated blue color, it is not uncommon for the stone to sometimes show a dash of green to the blue. When you order your gold or silver turquoise cladagh ring, you can give us a general idea of the color that you need, we will pick a stone that closely matches your requirement.
Turquoise is generally formed with some rock elements embedded into the stone, this can be seen in the form of dark web like inclusions. Having said that, many gem lovers prefer to have a stone that has a uniform color spread and no webbed lines. If you have any specific preference for your cladagh turquoise gemstone ring, please discuss it with our support experts. Since we handpick and custom cut ever single gem that we use, accommodating your request should not be a problem. You cannot expect to see an elaborate display of black web lines on the cladagh ring gem mainly because, at 7-8mm, the stone is not very large. But we can carefully orient the gem during the cutting process and ensure that, some black lines are visible.
One of the most important issues related to turquoise gems is the stabilization treatment that, most turquoise gems are put through. In the world of gems it is normally accepted that, an untreated gemstone is 'better' than a treated gem. So when you hear that the gem in a gold or 925 silver cladagh turquoise ring, might be 'stabilized' you could get a bit confused. If you are one of those purists and wish to have, an untreated turquoise gem without hearing the details - just specify your requirement when ordering the ring, we will ensure that the gem in your ring is not treated in any way. For the rest of us, here is the main reason why most turquoise gems are stabilized. Natural turquoise as it is mined, has tiny pores, these are not visible to the naked eye. Exposing a porous material to any type of liquid or vapor would obviously mean that, the liquid or moisture can get absorbed by the stone. It would not be surprising if the entering liquids react with the stone, discoloration is the likely result of this happening.
To understand how easy it would be for an un-stabilized turquoise gem to soak, let us consider some examples. Soaking in water, the perspiration from your body, strong vapors that the stone might be exposed to, cleaning liquids used at home and food oils from fingers and hands, are just some of the scenarios that can cause turquoise to absorb moisture. It might be too inconvenient, if your turquoise cladagh ring needed such extensive care and fuss. The stabilization process used to treat turquoise, attempts to seal off the pores in the gem - wax and resins could be used to do this. Some of the processes seal the pores just at the surface, so the entire pore is not blocked. Other stabilization methods, fill up the pores in the stone entirely. Keep in mind that, the stabilization of a turquoise does not make it very tough and durable - it helps to a certain degree. In the next paragraph, we will explain how the stabilization of the gem dictates, the 'right' way to look after the gem. This will directly influence how you should wear, store and clean your cladagh turquoise gemstone ring.
Irrespective of whether the turquoise gem in your cladagh ring is treated or not, you should keep these essential notes in mind. Keep the gem away from situations where, it can get struck by physical force. So when you happen to be going for your exercise or cleaning the car etc, take off your turquoise gemstone ring and keep it safely. Never soak a turquoise ring in any thing. Rinsing it in clean running water might be fine but, do not give the stone a chance to retain contact with the liquid for a long time. Heat and chemicals could damage the gem in your cladagh turquoise ring. When cleaning a turquoise gemstone ring, avoid ultrasonic cleaners and any other equipment that relies on heat or steam. A soft cloth, a tiny amount of mild soap and a very soft brush should be all that you need to clean your cladagh turquoise ring. If you need any more effort than this, take the help of a professional jeweler. If you choose the silver turquoise cladagh ring, you might need to use a silver polish lotion or cream to take off any tarnish that sets on the metal. If this is the case, rinse the ring in running water after the metal has been polished. This will make sure that there is no residue from the polishing lotion stuck to the gemstone. When storing your cladagh ring it is best to use a jewelry box that, provides a separate padded compartment for each jewel. This will eliminate the chances of the gems or jewels, scratching or hitting against each other.
Like every gem that has been known for thousands of years, turquoise has some awesome folklore and traditions attached to it. If you happen to order your cladagh ring with turquoise stone based on some of these traditional beliefs, do keep in mind that folklore does not have any type of scientific backing. Read it and experience it, more as a light gesture than, with some serious expectations. While we can craft your cladagh ring with the gemstone of your choice, we do not suggest that our gems or jewels have any kind of super or magical powers.
Claddagh365: As one of the finest sources for high end custom jewelry, we can craft all types of jewellery in gold or sterling silver. You could pick the design from our website or request, for a made to order concept from your own design sketch or image. There is no limit on the gemstones that you can pick for your jewellery as, we can procure and custom cut gems from every mining location in the world. We encourage you to discuss your requirements with our support team at and assure you that, you will never be pressurized into placing an order with us.
Related Resources: Blue Gem Cladagh Rings Gemstone Properties Cladagh Meaning